A Life Coach Isn’t a Mentor Or a Therapist, So What Do They Do?

Think of a life coach as someone who isn’t there to diagnose or change you, but partners with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to realign to accomplish your goals personally and professionally.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Not sure what actions to take when looking for a new job? Do you know what your goals are but not sure exactly what is holding you back? We could all use a little help in our lives, but for several different reasons. A life coach helps you on your journey of self-discovery and awareness, walking with you from point A to point B. Life coaches are here to help you take ownership of your process to help you reframe the problem and stop working from a limited mindset. 

What exactly does a life coach do?

A life coach is someone who helps you make wise decisions. We believe that everything in your life is connected. A life coach can help you figure out pain points and confusion in your life and the steps you need to take to realign and adjust.  

A coach isn’t telling you what to do. A coach is taking you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you dig into the details and discover action plans you have inside you. A coach lets you develop the strengths you already have and discovers roadblocks that could hold you back. 

Is a life coach different from a mentor or therapist?

While you can leave a coaching session and feel a weight lifted, coaching is not therapy. A therapist is someone who looks into your past to develop better cognitive and emotional skills. A  mentor is someone who gives you advice based on their experiences. But a coach is someone who is looking at your life and helping you figure out what you can do today to get you where you want to go. A therapist can diagnose and treat underlying issues that might be causing you to seek help. Coaches are your non-biased brainstorming partners. We don’t give opinions or advice. We don’t steer you in a direction; we help you decide what is best for your life and create an action plan around what you’ve told us.

Is Coaching right for you?

Yes! We believe that anyone who has a decision to make can benefit from coaching. Your dreams and goals are achievable and sustainable – you just need the right plan to get there. 

Here are three leading reasons a life coach could be an excellent fit for you-

  1. You’re facing a life change.

When trying to pave the way for any life transition, a life coach is an integral part of the process.  You might be working through a personal change, like a divorce, or going through a professional industry shift and needing to have intentional growth. A coach is an excellent resource for assisting you in making a wise decision, leaving you to feel empowered and peaceful about your situation.

  1. You’re letting fear hold you back.

Working with a life coach, you’re looking at where you’re now and where you want to be in the future. In life, we can come to many crossroads and worry about what choice we should make. We all get intimidated by big ( or even small) life choices. A life coach will help you identify those fears and use them to help move you towards the goal you have ahead of you. 

  1. You want to develop your decision-making skills.

  A big part of what a life coach does is to develop your decision-making skills! Unlike a therapist or mentor who might give you the formula to use. A life coach can assist in making external adjustments to your decision-making skills so that you can develop making wise decisions in your life. 

If any of these points felt like they resonated with you, then getting a life coach could be an excellent fit.

To learn more about working with a Coach at Doulos Advisory schedule a consultation today.

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