What if What’s Holding You Back From Your Life, is You?

We pack our lives full of other people’s expectations and try to mimic their experiences. We can feel swayed and influenced by those around us – even those we don’t know. We might watch a celebrity living in a mansion in Malibu, or see a CEO of a company that just bought the brand new “IT” truck, or even a family member who has no responsibilities and somehow travels the world while working remotely. We let how others live their lives persuade and motivate us to make confident decisions about what we want out of life. But wait, have we ever really taken the time to sit down and figure out what we want for ourselves or our family? Have we done it without the persuasion of how society or those around us are living their lives? Do we even know how?

Learning to stand on our own:

It’s so important that we can learn how to listen to our thoughts. That we can make decisions and create life plans of our actual goals and desires and not just off ones that we think we want because it feels like that is the ultimate path to happiness. 

You see, happiness is not a destination, nor is happiness concrete. Satisfaction is a journey within one’s self. It’s different for each person, so our paths to get there should reflect that. If you follow someone else’s plan because they seem to have it all together or are happy, you might be left with a life that wasn’t made for you. An experience built on someone else’s motivators can leave you confused and regretting the decisions you have made. 

You’re Biggest Road Block is You:

Often, when life doesn’t go the way that we think that it should, we are inclined to blame others for our mistakes or shortcomings. “I didn’t get the raise because my boss doesn’t value me” or “I didn’t win that award because jack is better liked than me.” 

While we’re not negating that there can sometimes be factors outside of our control, most of the time, the thing holding us back from our most tremendous success is ourselves. 

But don’t let this dishearten you; it’s a good thing! If we are the one holding ourselves back, and not others, we can do something to change it. If our life’s goals and dreams were solely based on what others did, we would have no real way to change it. But since we are holding ourselves back from success most of the time, we can make the right adjustments and mindset shifts to get ourselves on the right track and propel ourselves into the abundant life that we want and deserve. 

Do you feel like you have just been following the status quo for your life and want to shift and change your perspective?

Do you want to elevate your thinking about your life and dream more significantly about the goals you can accomplish in your personal and professional life?

If any of this resonates with you, scheduling a consultation call with a Doulos Advisory coach is the perfect next step for you.

But don’t wait, do it today! 

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